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Terms & Conditions

The following are the terms and conditions of the use of the eye4 mall website (hereinafter referred to as "the website") (hereinafter referred to as "the terms"). The Separate Privacy Policy is part of this article for interpretation or other purposes. If you do not accept the terms, please do not use the services provided by this website and By using this website and the services provided by eye4 Mall, you indicate that you have read and understood these terms in detail and agree to be bound by these terms. This website may unilaterally modify these terms at any time by updating the website without further notice. You should periodically visit this page to see if the terms that are binding on you have been modified. If you violate any of the terms, or if this website suspects that you have violated any of the terms, or if this website believes that your conduct violates applicable laws or harms the interests of this website or its users, this website may terminate your access if you know or do not know. This website uses the services of eye4 mall and takes legal action.

    1. The legitimate use of the website

    This website is a large network port consisting of multiple web pages, in order to allow users to obtain real-time news reports and a variety of information and resources. Unless otherwise stated, any new services, features and functionality of this website are subject to these Terms.

    You may only use this website for lawful purposes, and may not use this website to infringe on the intellectual property rights of others in any way; or infringe the privacy of other users on this website to obtain their identity or any personal data; or to destroy any part of this website. It is your responsibility to determine whether there is any such infringement. You may not post any false or false information, or infringe or violate the information of any third party rights, or post false statements about yourself or your rights. You must follow the policies posted on the website. You acknowledge that this website does not provide any assistance, including access, deletion or editing, to the content you post on this website, nor does it provide any customer service for your use of this website. If you have a password to access this website, you must not share it with any third party. You may not use the Site to transmit, publish, upload, post or circulate any illegal, harmful, intimidating, harassing, infringing, defamatory, obscene, libelous, breach of the privacy or reputation of others, breach of the intellectual property rights of others, or any other offensive or Unpleasant information. In addition, you may not tamper with any material in any way or interfere with the operation of this website in any way, including but not limited to the transmission of software viruses, or the transmission of any computer code or message specifically designed to interrupt, interfere with or alter the operation of the Website. You may not use this website to collect information about users of this website (as defined in 1. User Data Collection).

    This website and any part of it may not be reproduced, copied, reprinted, sold, resold or otherwise utilized for commercial purposes without the express permission of this website.

    This website respects the copyright law and insists that users also respect the copyright law. Copying, distributing, modifying, and presenting copyrighted works to the public without authorization is a violation of the rights of the copyright owner. As a condition of users of this website, you agree that you will not use this website to infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. This website reserves the right to terminate the use of any user who is found to have infringed copyright or other people's intellectual property using this website.

    This website will respond promptly when this website is reported to infringe copyrights by others. If you are the copyright owner, or are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner, or the owner of any exclusive rights within the scope of the copyright, please report any copyright infringements that you know and believe have occurred or have occurred on the copyright owner, and Provide the following information to this website:

    Make it clear that the work you claim to be infringed by copyright on this website, if it involves multiple copyrighted works, should list the list of works that you allegedly infringed copyright;
Clearly state the information you claim to infringe on the copyright of others, including the user name, path, file name and other relevant information that provide the relevant information through this website;
    Your address or mailing address, telephone number, email address and other contact methods;
    You make a statement in good faith that the information is used without the authorization of the copyright owner, its agent or the law;
    You make a statement in good faith, stating that the information you provided is correct and that you are the copyright owner, or authorized to represent the copyright owner, or the owner of any exclusive rights within the scope of the copyright.

    2. Use of website materials

    The content of this website, such as text, graphics, images, music, logos, icon buttons, links, HTML code, trademarks, software and other materials (hereinafter collectively referred to as "materials"), and the collection of all materials on this website (refers to collection, arrangement) And compilation) are protected by copyright law, trademark law and other applicable laws. The collection of all materials and materials is the exclusive property of the content provider or customer of this website or this website. Unauthorized use of any material will violate copyright laws, trademark laws, and other applicable laws. If you copy any material, you must retain the copyright, trademark, service mark, and other proprietary notices in the original materials on the copy. You may only copy one copy of the material and, unless otherwise specified, the copy may only be used for private, non-commercial use. You may not sell or modify the Materials for any public or commercial purposes, or copy, reproduce, republish, upload, download, post, transmit, display, publicly perform or transmit the Materials in any manner without the prior written consent of the Site, or Store the data in a retrieval system or use the data in any other way.

    3. Public disclosure of information

    Before sending any information, you must check that you have sent this information in the public areas of this website (such as forums, etc.). If you are sending information in a public area, you acknowledge that you are voluntary and that anyone can use the information. All materials you voluntarily provide in public areas will not be deemed to have been collected by this website, and this website does not have any responsibility for dealing with the possibility of misrepresentation, misleading, obscene, illegal or embarrassing provided by others in the public areas of this website. Class information. You acknowledge that this website does not control the authenticity of all such information and that this website does not have any responsibility for processing any request for correction or deletion of such information.

    4. About products and services

    All goods, products or services offered, described or mentioned on this website are provided by third parties unless otherwise stated. You do not rely on this website to assure you that the correctness and reliability of any information on this website. This website does not and will not make any representations or warranties as to the security of any information you provide to third parties. This website recommends that you conduct all investigations that you deem necessary or appropriate before engaging in any online or off-net transactions with any such third party. To the fullest extent permitted by law, this website is exempt from all statements or warranties, express or implied, regarding the merchantability and specific use of the goods, and any implied warranties concerning the performance and use of the goods. . In no event will this website be liable for any damages relating to the use, inability to use, operation or inability to operate the materials or products offered, described or referred to on this website. The scope of such damage includes, but is not limited to, fees paid for the acquisition of substitute goods or services, loss of profits, loss of data, and any direct, indirect, special, punitive, concomitant, disciplinary, or consequential loss. The offer, description or mention of a product, product or service on the Site is solely an invitation to trade made by a third party.